Queer joy to me, looks like acceptance and love… The outdoors is my safe place, somewhere I can truly be myself and find balance amidst the chaos and busyness of everyday life.
We caught up with a Friend of Passenger, Amelia, who gave us an insight into her recent trip exploring the glens of Scotland, and what it’s like for a queer person navigating the outdoors.

It was the epitome of a perfect Summer's day...
“New friends felt like old, the sun shone and the water was surprisingly warm as we dived in and out of hidden pools deep in a Scottish glen. Accompanied by cold beers and plenty of snacks, with the dogs tumbling between us it felt like nothing else in the world mattered.
"As the sun set, we headed back along the road to the van, cracked open a few more beers and chatted about everything and nothing in particular, it was the type of conversation where the contents didn’t matter, where the bonds that were formed far outweighed any words. We cooked up vegan fajitas and watched as the sun lowered behind the mountain tops.”

The outdoors is my safe place...
“Somewhere I can truly be myself and find balance amidst the chaos and busyness of everyday life. There is no doubt that being outside with my camera, hiking and road-tripping with my girlfriend and our animals are some of the things that keep me sane and healthy.
“Queer joy to me, looks like acceptance and love. It looks like two people loving each other regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Being gay is about being myself and loving who I love, being honest about and to myself, honouring and celebrating my diversities knowing that therein lies my strength.”

“We don’t get to choose our biological family, and some people are luckier than others. I have been incredibly blessed to be surrounded by a supportive and loving family in every step of my life and journey in coming out as gay.
“For me, my chosen family represents those people who I trust and love implicitly as if they were my family, those people who I know support and love in every life choice I make.”

Making the outdoors accessible
“I think to make the outdoors more accessible we need to be more open, I have often found that there can be a lot of judgement and gear/experience elitist mindset.
“In order for the outdoors to be more accessible it needs to have representation. People will always feel more comfortable in places where they feel seen and accepted. We all start somewhere, as long as people are being safe, leaving no trace and having fun outdoors, it's for no one else to judge.”
There is enough space for all of us, and as long as we care for and nurture our outdoor spaces, that will always be the case.
Keep up with Amelia’s adventures on Instagram @amslebrun, and look out for our collaboration with her this autumn where she will be taking some Passenger gear on a trek through Germany.
If you are a content creator in the LGBTQ+ community and want to chat about how we can work together, please do reach out on Instagram @passengerclothing.
With this in mind, we are still learning and take full responsibility for our journey - if you have any questions or just fancy a chat please send an email to info@passenger-clothing.com or drop us a DM.
If you would like to help support the LGBTQ+ community, here are the charities we have donated to already, that would be super grateful for your donation too (big or small):
Mind Out provides mental health services to the LGBTQ+ community.
Black Trans Foundation provides support to the Black Transgender community.